cardmaking, crafting, Handmade, stamping

Hippo Birdie to You!

Hi Everyone!

I took myself off to my shed tonight to try out my new copic markers, i bought 5 sketch markers in warm grey tones and one light pink to colour in my elephants, bunnies and hippos 🙂

Hippo Birdie

Supplies List:-

  • Bazzill salmony/coraly pink cardstock for the card base
  • Mama Elephant stitched borders Die Set
  • Lawn Fawn Year 4 Stamp & Die Set- Hippo Birdie to you
  • Patterned Papers
  • Stampin Up Dimensional Adhesive
  • Memento Tuxedo Black Ink
  • White Stamping Cardstock (bought from the Ross Papercraft Show)
  • Scor-tape
  • Copic Sketch Markers : W00, W0, W02, W05 & E01

I hope to get up to my shed early~ish tomorrow and get started making christmas cards for an upcoming workshop for Stampers Grove and also to make another post it note holder 🙂

As always, thanks for popping round
